sábado, 22 de enero de 2011

WATER de Deepa Metha.

The film Water of Indian director DEEPA MEHTA, is an intimate, tender and hard story on the banks of the Ganges river, marked by the presence of the Hindu widows who live recruited and with all kinds of deprivations.
In the year 2000, after obtaining all the necessary permissions and the approval of the script on the part of the government of India, the actors and the equipment engineer traveled to Varanasi to begin the Water running. Two days after began to roll, violent protests were carried out by fundamentalists.
The film was pointed to go against the Hindu religion, the scenery was destroyed and thrown to the river, and the manifestations followed one another in the streets of Varanasi. Before the increasing protests and threats, the running had to be suspended.
The project took four years in returning to start up, this time in Sri Lanka where among others things, were necessary to change the distribution completely. After rolling several films on the Indian society (“Fire”, “Earth”), Deepa Mehta became person “non grata” in her country to have taught to the world pictures rejected by the Indian culture.
D. Mehta attacks against the religion that arouses ignorance. Chuyia is eight years old. She is in the age about which other girls just think about playing and, nevertheless, she is already widow. And, still worse, in the India of 1938, place and time in which the story is taken, Chuyia´s life is worth nothing.
Until she dies, according with the Hindu belief, she will remain shut in “ashram”, a kind of gloomy gynecological place appointed for widows, and she will have to beg or, still, to prostitute herself to survive.
Deepa Metha (Amristar, 1950), the solid director and Indian scriptwriter who lives in Canada has resorted to this character to denounce forcefully the religious fundamentalism.
In Water - film with which the film director concludes her trilogy initiated with Fire and continued with Earth censures which she names "the promotion of ignorance" through the religions. At present, Deepha Metha explains, there are in India more than 34 million widows, which 11 million live in ashrams in the middle of an absolute misery.
But not everything remains the same in India. For example, she says, the marriages of grown-ups people with children today are prohibited. The drama of Chuyia, therefore, at the moment continues being feasible, but the main character would have to be elder.
Deepa Mehta´s watching is one of the greater social commitments and jeopardize of the new Indian cinema. She complains that, in spite of the social policies and mainly to the work "on the spot", of nongovernmental organizations activists, execrable traditions as locking the widows up still remain.
"The problem, according to my point of view" she says, is based at woman itself. They agree on these customs because they think that if they did not do it they would betray sacred texts, would apostatize of her religion".
The film director, nevertheless, wants damages to circumscribe it of the integrism neither to his country, nor to Hinduism. "Anywhere in the world” , this director says whose work has been praised by Salman Rushdie, "still being much dependency of the religions”.
“It would be enough, she tells, have a look at what is happening in the United States with the Christian fundamentalism. In my opinion, the great religions of the world badly have been interpreted, which leads to reactions that, personally, scare to me a lot”.
The same intolerance that took to fundamentalist groups to boycott the Fire projections in Bombay and in New Delhi, in 1998, because the movie turned on a homosexual relation between two women, it lead to radical religious groups of Benares to obstruct, in the 2000, the Water running - that finally was released in India at the end of 2006. As much that there was to be postponed it.
Four years later, Deepa Mehta could film the movie, but in Sri Lanka, with a different distribution, in which professional actors with newcomer mix themselves. About the actors we could emphasize "the skill and talent" of the infantile actress, the Sarala Ceylonese, of Seema Biswas - "a great lady of the scene india" - and of John Abraham, star of Bollywood.
Water, a beautiful approaching to indian´s women in a very sad context.

2 comentarios:

  1. Puis il ajouta :

    « Va revoir les roses. Tu comprendras que la tienne est unique au monde. Tu reviendras me dire adieu, et je te ferai cadeau d’un secret. »

    Le petit prince s’en fut revoir les roses.

    « Vous n’êtes pas du tout semblables à ma rose, vous n’êtes rien encore, leur dit-il. Personne ne vous a apprivoisées et vous n’avez apprivoisé personne. Vous êtes comme était mon renard. Ce n’était qu’un renard semblable à cent mille autres. Mais j’en ai fait mon ami, et il est maintenant unique au monde. »

    Et les roses étaient bien gênées.

    « Vous êtes belles mais vous êtes vides, leur dit-il encore. On ne peut pas mourir pour vous. Bien sûr, ma rose à moi, un passant ordinaire croirait qu’elle vous ressemble. Mais à elle seule elle est plus importante que vous toutes, puisque c’est elle que j’ai arrosée. Puisque c’est elle que j’ai mise sous globe, Puisque c’est elle que j’ai abritée par le paravent. Puisque c’est elle dont j’ai tué les chenilles (sauf les deux ou trois pour les papillons). Puisque c’est elle que j’ai écoutée se plaindre, ou se vanter, ou même quelquefois se taire. Puisque c’est ma rose. »

    Et il revint vers le renard :

    « Adieu, dit-il…

    — Adieu, dit le renard. Voici mon secret. Il est très simple : on ne voit bien qu’avec le cœur. L’essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.

    — L’essentiel est invisible pour les yeux, répéta le petit prince, afin de se souvenir.

    — C’est le temps que tu as perdu pour ta rose qui fait ta rose si importante.

    — C’est le temps que j’ai perdu pour ma rose… fit le petit prince, afin de se souvenir.

    — Les hommes ont oublié cette vérité, dit le renard. Mais tu ne dois pas l’oublier. Tu deviens responsable pour toujours de ce que tu as apprivoisé. Tu es responsable de ta rose…

    — Je suis responsable de ma rose… » répéta le petit prince, afin de se souvenir.

  2. Luego agregó:

    — Ve y visita nuevamente a las rosas. Comprenderás que la tuya es única en el mundo. Y cuando regreses a decirme adiós, te regalaré un secreto.

    El principito fue a ver nuevamente a las rosas:

    — Ustedes no son de ningún modo parecidas a mi rosa, ustedes no son nada aún – les dijo. – Nadie las ha domesticado y ustedes no han domesticado a nadie. Ustedes son como era mi zorro. No era más que un zorro parecido a cien mil otros. Pero me hice amigo de él, y ahora es único en el mundo.

    Y las rosas estaban muy incómodas.

    — Ustedes son bellas, pero están vacías – agregó. – No se puede morir por ustedes. Seguramente, cualquiera que pase creería que mi rosa se les parece. Pero ella sola es más importante que todas ustedes, puesto que es ella a quien he regado. Puesto que es ella a quien abrigué bajo el globo. Puesto que es ella a quien protegí con la pantalla. Puesto que es ella la rosa cuyas orugas maté (salvo las dos o tres para las mariposas). Puesto que es ella a quien escuché quejarse, o alabarse, o incluso a veces callarse. Puesto que es mi rosa.

    Y volvió con el zorro:

    — Adiós – dijo...

    — Adiós – dijo el zorro. – Aquí está mi secreto. Es muy simple: sólo se ve bien con el corazón. Lo esencial es invisible a los ojos.

    — Lo esencial es invisible a los ojos – repitió el principito a fin de recordarlo.

    — Es el tiempo que has perdido en tu rosa lo que hace a tu rosa tan importante.

    — Es el tiempo que he perdido en mi rosa... – dijo el principito a fin de recordarlo.

    — Los hombres han olvidado esta verdad – dijo el zorro. – Pero tú no debes olvidarla. Eres responsable para siempre de lo que has domesticado. Eres responsable de tu rosa...

    — Soy responsable de mi rosa... - repitió el principito a fin de recordarlo.
